Signed editions of 75
Image size 18 x 30 cms
All the paintings and
prints in this site are
for sale, by clicking on
an image or a link, more
details are revealed.
White bull, 2nd pull........SOLD
Swans, 2nd pull
Ship of cream, 2nd pull........SOLD
White bull, 1st pull
Swans, 1st pull

Ship of cream, 1st pull........SOLD
Swan II, 2nd pull
Monotypes are made by taking a print from a plate, plastic,
glass or metal, on which there is a wet painting in oils.
The plate is in no way engraved or etched thus only one
print can be taken. Therefore the print is unique. However,
it is possible to take a second print which comes out very pale.
This is called a ghost print. Artists often use this ghost print as an
underpainting, giving the artist the chance to re-work the image
on the paper using other mediums (pastel, watercolours,
coloured crayons . . .) to create an entirely new work of art.
Edgas Degas (1834 - 1917) created some 300-500 monotypes
and called them "painted drawings".
If the plate is worked on again after the first print has been
pulled it is possible to achieve a second unique print, utilising
the delicate tones produced by the ghost print. These I have
simply called second pull, to distinguish them from the first pull,
as they are not technically a pure ghost image.
There are a lot of unpredictables involved and the spontaneity
of the process demands energy, improvisation, gesture,
expressiveness and directness. The artist must also appreciate
the lushness and sensuality of working with ink.
The size of the plate, and therefore the impression it gives is
180 x 302 mm. The paper size is 250 x 358mm.
Swan II, 1st pull........SOLD
White Butterfly, 2nd pull
Swan, 2nd pull
Butterfly, 2nd pull
White Butterfly, 1st pull........SOLD
Swan, 2nd pull
Butterfly, 1st pull
Swan III, 2nd pull
Bull, 2nd pull
Swan IV, 2nd pull
Swan III, 1st pull
Bull, 1st pull
Swan IV, 1st pull
Swan V, 1st pull........SOLD
Swan V, 2nd pull